Fun at Lowe's

Nothing like a fun cart to make a shopping experience more enjoyable.

Building stuff with the new workbench

Preston got a new workbench for Christmas even though we have one (or two) floating around in the backyard from yard sales, I didn't want him to have the second child hand-me-downs and wanted a complete set of tools. Lol! I didn't count on Luke wanting to play with it as much as Preston though. They were getting along for at least a few minutes while playing with it.

New Year, new photography goals

I don't usually like to make resolutions since I never seem to be able to keep them but my "goal" this year is to take more photos of my boys (and more importantly with them) and to document their lives in greater detail.  Poor Preston is barely represented in even a fraction of the amount of photos that Luke was in his first 18 months and I need to do something about this.  So wish me luck and here's to a Happy and Healthy 2013 for all!!!

Slowly but surely…

My goal is to try to post at least once per week at least to catch up.  I’m so ashamed that my last post was for Easter and that was like 3 months ago!!!  I will get better….I know I’ve said it before but whatever, I’ll get there eventually.
In April, the Bounty came to Greenport so we went to check it out:
Luke also learned some new animal sounds in April – check them out here:

Early in May a bunch of us went to Desmonds (in East Wind) for Sunday brunch.  It was so much fun and we all were stuff afterwards!!
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On the way home from there, we stopped to see the big jet and Luke thought that was really cool:
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Everyone loves Stewie…

Title says it all – Luke and his cousin’s loving Stewie @ Nana and Pop’s

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